program OnePieDemo; {$I typedef.bic} {these files must be} {$I graphix.bic} {included and in this order} {$I kernel.bic} {$I circsegm.hgh} {$I pie.hgh} procedure OnePieDem; var sum,x1,y1,Radius,Theta,InRadius,OutRadius:real; n,Mode,Size:integer; a:PieArray; back:byte; ch:char; begin DefineWindow(1,0,0,XMaxGlb,YMaxGlb); DefineWorld(1,0,1000,1000,0); SelectWorld(1); SelectWindow(1); n:=5; {the number of pie segments} a[1].area:=25; {initialize the pie array} a[2].area:=17.5; a[3].area:=9.6; a[4].area:=21; a[5].area:=35; a[1].text:='JAN.='; a[2].text:='FEB.='; a[3].text:='MAERZ='; a[4].text:='APR.='; a[5].text:='MAI='; a[1].area:=-a[1].area; {move the first segment outward} x1:=400; {set the center to mid screen} y1:=500; Radius:=150; {set the start of the circle} Theta:=60; InRadius:=0.7; {set the ends of the lable line} OutRadius:=1.25; Mode:=2; {set to draw both lables} Size:=2; {set to text size two} {draw the pie} DrawPolarPie(x1,y1,Radius,Theta,InRadius,OutRadius,a,n,Mode,Size); end; begin InitGraphic; {initialize the graphics system} AspectGlb := AspectGlb*0.75; OnePieDem; {do the demo} readln; LeaveGraphic; end.